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Mouth Guards in Naperville

Dentists see many dental injuries, which could have been avoided or minimized by wearing a protective custom-fitted mouth guard. Sporting accidents are one of the most common causes of dental injury.
Why do you need a mouth guard?
  • A mouth guard helps absorb and spread the impact of a blow to the face that could result in an injury to your mouth or jaw. Damaged or dislodged teeth, broken jaws and cut lips are just some of the injuries that can occur if you don't protect your mouth. Dental injuries may result in time off school or work to recover, can be painful and may involve lengthy and expensive dental reconstruction. The cost of an injury far exceeds the cost of a custom-fitted mouth guard. We can construct varying types and thicknesses of mouth guards tailored to your age and sport.

  • Custom-fitted mouth guards are made by taking an impression and creating a plaster model of your teeth. This ensures a comfortable, tight and correct fitting mouth guard.

  • Mouth guards need to be checked annually and may need to be replaced if new adult teeth have come through or the mouth guard has sustained a serious blow which may have damaged it.

For further information on dental implants please contact us at Pope Family Dental.